Name of PostReporter Grade II (Tamil)
DepartmentKerala Legislature Secretariate
Question Paper Code30/2023/OL
Category No.309/2022
Kerala PSC Examination held on15-02-2023
QN : 1
Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. (Questions 1-4)

Ferdinand Magellan was a young Portuguese noble who served at the King's court. He dreamt of sailing around the world and reaching new horizons. But he became involved in the quagmire of political intrigue and lost the King's favour. He tried to seek reconciliation, but in vain. He was dismissed from service and joined the court of the King of Spain. He later created history as the first man to circumnavigate the earth.

Find the synonym of "Quagmire" from the options given below:
[A] Entanglement
[B] Negotiation
[C] Collaboration
[D] Contentment
QN : 2
The past participle of "Seek" is
[A] Seeked
[B] Stroke
[C] Sought
[D] Sake
QN : 3
Find out from the passage the one word for "the secret planning of something illicit or detrimental".
[A] Intrigue
[B] Reconciliation
[C] Horizon
[D] Circumnavigate
QN : 4
Choose the correct question tag.
Magellan joined the court of the King of Spain, ____________?
[A] Wasn't he?
[B] Didn't he?
[C] Hasn't he?
[D] Isn't he?
QN : 5
Choose the most suitable collective noun.
A _____________ of lions were basking in the sun.
[A] Gang
[B] Troop
[C] Pride
[D] Herd
QN : 6
Fill in the blanks using the correct option.
If I had seen him, I _____________ (Speak) to him.
[A] Will have spoken
[B] Will had spoken
[C] Would have spoken
[D] Would had spoken
QN : 7
Choose the idiom with the same meaning as the underlined words.
The collapse of the bank was totally unexpected.
[A] a wild goose chase
[B] a bolt from the blue
[C] a red letter day
[D] a blessing in disguise
QN : 8
Change into reported speech.
She said, "I ate the Popcorn".
[A] She said she ate the Popcorn.
[B] She said that she eaten the Popcorn.
[C] She said that she had ate the Popcorn.
[D] She said that she had eaten the Popcorn.
QN : 9
Choose the correct phrasal verb to fill in the blanks.
He is so rude that it is difficult to _________ his behavior.
[A] Put on
[B] Put off
[C] Put out
[D] Put up with
QN : 10
Choose the correctly spelt word from the options given below.
[A] Vaccum
[B] Fourty
[C] Ninety
[D] Dystoapia
QN : 11
Change the voice.
Who broke the window?
[A] Who broken the window?
[B] By whom was the window broken?
[C] By whom is the window broken?
[D] By who was the window broken?
QN : 12
Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verb given in bracket.
The coach, as well as the players, ___________ (be) coming.
[A] is
[B] are
[C] were
[D] have been
QN : 13
The bell ___________ (ring) before I reached the school.
[A] rang
[B] had rung
[C] rung
[D] rings
QN : 14
Read the sentence given below to find out if there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. If there is no error, mark the answer as D.
[A] I would rather
[B] You stayed in a hostel
[C] Than in a hotel
[D] No error
QN : 15
Fill in the blanks using correct articles.
I am ______ Indian by birth, not ___________ European.
[A] an, a
[B] an, an
[C] a, an
[D] both 1 and 2
QN : 16
Fill in the blanks using correct preposition.
India won independence __________ August 15, 1947.
[A] in
[B] at
[C] on
[D] to
QN : 17
Choose the correct sentence from the options given below.
[A] Your need is greater than mine.
[B] Your need is greater than me.
[C] Your need is greater than my.
[D] Your need is greater than I.
QN : 18
A sentence is given in Jumble order. Rearrange it to form a meaningful sentence.
(1) Children's book of all time/ (2) About the boy wizard Harry Potter/ (3) J.K. Rowling's best selling novel/ (4) Is one of the most popular
[A] 1234
[B] 3421
[C] 2413
[D] 3241
QN : 19
Which of the following words should be capitalized in the given sentence?
she climbed the mount everest on a monday morning.
[A] The, Mount, Everest
[B] She, Mount, Everest, Monday
[C] Mount, She, Everest
[D] She, Everest, Monday
QN : 20
Choose the right word to fit both sentences.
The dog had a loud __________.
The _________ of the tree was very rough.
[A] Howl
[B] Paw
[C] Mouth
[D] Bark