Following are the questions and answer to the Higher Secondary School Teacher - Sociology in Education Department, examination conduct by Kerala Public Service Commission on 29-02-2016. We expect this will help the candidates who are preparing for the Higher Secondary School Teacher and other degree level exams. The purpose of this section is just to support the candidates who prepare for Kerala PSC and other competitive exams. You can always refer this website from your mobile phone on the go or from your home PC.
PSC Exam held on : 29-02-2016
Kerala PSC Previous Year Fully Solved Question Paper | Year - 2016
Part - 2 | Questions : 21-40
21] Who defined society as web of social relations ?
[a] Max Weber
[b] MacIver
[c] Hobbes
[d] Spencer
22] Who among the following does not belong to German School of Sociology ?
[a] Simmel
[b] Max Weber
[c] Herbert Spencer
[d] Tonnies
23] A community is based on
[a] Common Habits
[b] Common Ideology
[c] Common Thinking
[d] Common Territory
24] The concept of Social Distance is associated with
[a] Bogardus
[b] Emile Durkheim
[c] Sumner
[d] Karl Pearson
25] The "Savage Mind" was written by
[a] F. Tonnies
[b] J. S. Mill
[c] Levi Strauss
[d] E. B. Taylor
26] An organization deliberately formed for collective pursuit of some interest, which its members share is called
[a] Institution
[b] Association
[c] Community
[d] Society
27] The borrowing of cultural elements from another society is known as
[a] Cultural lag
[b] Acculturation
[c] Cultural Invention
[d] Cultural Diffusion
28] The division of labour is the basis of ___________ System of stratification.
[a] Varna System
[b] Caste System
[c] Class System
[d] Clan System
29] Social stratification means
[a] Classification of society into caste
[b] Classification based on class
[c] Classification based on power
[d] Classification of society into groups and in-groups
30] Who wrote 'The Social System' ?
[a] R. K. Merton
[b] Talcott Parson
[c] Karl Marx
[d] Max Weber
31] "Ethnocentrism" has been coined by
[a] G. H. Mead
[b] Lewis Coser
[c] W. N. Sumner
[d] Edmund Husserl
32] A Black Byzantium : Kingdom of Nupe in Nigeria was written by
[a] S. F. Nadel
[b] Levi Strauss
[c] Jeffry Alexander
[d] Durkheim
33] The concept life world is introduced by
[a] Harold Grafinkel
[b] Alfred Schutz
[c] Edmund Husserl
[d] Berger
34] Attributes refers to
[a] Quality of phenomena
[b] Quantity of the phenomena
[c] Representativeness
[d] All of these
35] Who introduced the term 'Cyberspace' ?
[a] Gilbert
[b] William Gibson
[c] William More
[d] Willman
36] The book "Asylums" was written by
[a] George Homans
[b] Peter Blau
[c] C. H. Cooley
[d] Ervin Goffman
37] The word 'Varna' means
[a] Colour
[b] Cloth
[c] Caste
[d] Clan
38] The term 'Status Group' was introduced by
[a] Durkheim
[b] Karl Marx
[c] Max Weber
[d] Robert Merton
39] The term Symbolic Interactionalism was coined by
[a] G. H. Mead
[b] Peter M. Blau
[c] Ervin Goffman
[d] Herbert Blumer
40] The Idea of 'Public Sphere' was introduced by
[a] Karl Marx
[b] J. Habermas
[c] Max Weber
[d] Durkheim